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10 Best Piano VST Plugins for 2025
3 Mar '2025
Discover the best keys for a variety of use cases – from budget pianos to legendary concert grands
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Image by Ludwig Kwan on Pexels


Electronic music technology gives us almost-miraculous access to pretty much every type of musical instrument we can possibly imagine (and ones we can’t even imagine!). However, there’s also a downside to the marvels of computer technology… We can usually only access these instruments digitally and play them through a MIDI controller, giving us only the illusion of playing the actual acoustic counterpart.  Sonically, it makes little difference, but as music aficionados, who love nothing more than to play, it can detach us from our roots.


The one instrument we can still achieve real intimacy with and come close to playing in its truest form is the piano, due to most MIDI keyboards being modelled from the same 12-key octave interface. You can even buy a MIDI foot pedal to vary your piano chords in even more striking similarity to the original. If you get yourself a pedal, an 88-key MIDI keyboard with weighted keys and a top-tier sampled piano plugin, you’ll hardly be able to tell you’re  playing a digital instrument. With that being said, let’s explore some of the best piano plugins on the market.



If you’re looking for tips and tricks on recording live instruments at home, check out our How to Record Acoustic Guitar and/or How to Record Piano guides.



1. Noire by Native Instruments


The signature digital rendition of Nils Frahm’s unique concert grand piano quickly gained word-of-mouth popularity amongst producers for its breathtaking sound



Nils Frahm is one of the most legendary pianists of all time. In fact, he’s so legendary that he has his own, one-of-a-kind, specially designed and handcrafted concert grand pianos. Noire by Native Instruments is the VST version of that very same unique piano. In collaboration with Frahm, the atmospheric sound was captured from its famed home–The Saal 3 in Berlin’s renowned, Bauhaus-designed Funkhaus recording complex


The meticulous attention to detail of the recording engineers means that the sampled sound is of the utmost rawest quality, leaving plenty of customisation in the digital realm with the built in sound design options. One distinct and beautiful feature of the Noire digital interface is its Particles Engine. The Particles Engine is where you can really get down to distinct detail, shaping the harmonic content of the raw piano within your DAW.


Last but not least, Noire is launchable within the Kontakt sampler under two different versions–both with different tonal character. The Clear version is the pure original sound character of the piano, and the Pure version introduces a slightly altered, gentle tone with a reduced attack. Overall Noire is a fine example of modern sound technology pushed to its absolute potential.


Where to Get Noire by Native Instruments

Add Noire to your plugin library today from the Plugin Boutique website.



2. Piano V by Arturia


Using advanced physical modelling, Piano V doesn’t rely on heavy sampled recording libraries to realise its staggeringly accurate acoustic piano sound properties



Piano V has a most interesting design, making use of some pretty impressive technology. Piano V relies on a real-time physical modelling engine, simulating actual physics and acoustic properties of the pianos it’s emulating. Yes, you read that right: pianos (plural). Piano V comes loaded with 12 distinct presets, each of their own prestigious calibre, intended to cover the most diverse of the real-world piano spectrums.


On top of the impressive physical modelling engine, Piano V gives access to six customisable control panels (Action, Acoustics, Mics, Strings, Noises and Keyboard) for you to sculpt the sound of any of the 12 presetted pianos yourself. This allows for an outstanding amount of fine tuning of a digital piano that is probably the closest to the real thing you’ll find at present. Not to mention, you’ve also got internal processing FX that you can pair with any third-party mixing plugins for even greater sound shaping.


Piano V provides enough content to keep you satiated for a hot while. With enough time along with this instrument, you’re sure to fine-tune your very own emulated acoustic piano in no time. Load up one of the presets, select a reverb room, and get to fine tuning!


Where to Get Piano V by Arturia

Piano V is available now at the official Arturia webpage.



3. Addictive Keys by XLN Audio


Once you get started with this bundle of the most mouthwatering digital pianos, you might not be able to stop your cravings



Addictive Keys by XLN Audio is a four-item compilation bundle of their most renowned digital piano instruments. The bundle includes two electric piano models (Vintage CP-80 Electric Grand & Rhodes Mk. 1) and two acoustic piano models (Modern Upright and Studio Grand). Of course, this list is more tailored toward acoustic piano plugins, but we thought the Addictive Keys bundle deserved its own spot on the list. Addictive Keys is just one out of many industry-grade Addictive collections published by XLN Audio, and their names are well-suited.


The modern upright included in this set is a sampled iteration of a Yamaha U3 upright piano, recorded in a large auditorium to ensure the highest of acoustic standards. It also has seven recording perspectives for you to choose from with a wide array of customisable FX parameters. The Studio Grand model included in Addictive Keys is another sampled instrument–this time recorded from a Steinway Model D Grand Piano. This one comes with six recording presets, with a near-identical FX editing interface.


You can purchase each piano included in the Addictive Keys bundle on its own as a separate instrument (costing $89.95 each), or as the complete bundle together (for $199.95). There’s also options to purchase just two or three of the pianos.


Where to Get Addictive Keys by XLN Audio

Access the entire Addictive Keys line now from the Plugin Boutique website.



4. Hans Zimmer Piano by Spitfire Audio


Harness the exact character of the legendary in-house grand piano at Lyndhurst Hall, Air Studios–A personal favourite of Hans Zimmer, himself



Next up we have yet another signature instrument from a world-class pianist and composer. This time, the German, Oscar-Award-winning film score legend, Hans Zimmer. In their fourth collaboration with Zimmer and his team, Spitfire Audio put their expertise to the test and managed to pull through with this magnificent digital incarnation of Zimmer’s personally-favoured grand piano, housed at AIR Studios, Lyndhurst Hall. Just for reference of how much attention to detail was exerted to capture this beauty: 60 microphones were used in total.


Similar to the previous entry, this piano is actually a Steinway Model D, however, it’s perhaps the space and tuning of the instrument that make it individual in its own right. Combine that with the Kontakt-housed GUI and substantial control panel, and you have a more-than-worthwhile digital piano to add to your plugin database. 


You can choose from 16 different microphone positions and four uniquely-toned variations of the instrument–giving you plenty of customisability to experiment with. The only downside to this plugin: It will set you back a mighty $399.


Where to Get Hans Zimmer Piano by Spitfire Audio

Spitfire Audio have made the Hans Zimmer Piano available now at their official webpage.



5. Keyscape by Spectrasonics


A 10-keyboard collection of legendary sampled pianos and keys, from the mammoth developer that brought us Omnisphere



Once more, we have a digital instrument bundle, featuring more than just acoustic pianos here, however, Keyscape is definitely worth mentioning as its own separate instrument. With Keyscape, Spectrasonics have delivered us with some of the best sampled pianos and keys instruments on the market to date, with over 450 total patches and 185 selectable sound sources. The acoustic sources only make for a minority of these, however, they definitely contribute a significant portion of this plugin’s overall reputation and etiquette.


In total, Keyscape has 53 acoustic patch presets, stemming from four sampled acoustic piano models (LA Custom C7, Double Felt Grand, Wing Tack Piano and Wing Upright). As you can probably tell, to have so many patches stemming from four distinct piano models, we certainly acquire a labyrinth of sound design possibility within the Keyscape interface (which is also launchable with Omnisphere–Spectrasonics Magnum Opus virtual instrument).


On top of the different variant patches available for each piano, you can also apply a relatively extensive amount of internal FX processing from within each Keyscape/Omnisphere instance and mold the tonality of your piano as you see fit. Lastly, you can even pair some patches together as hybrid duo sounds to build your very own Frankenstein piano within your DAW.


Where to Get Keyscape by Spectrasonics

The Keyscape Piano Library is available as a digital download, or physical box purchase now from the Spectrasonics website.



6. Pianoteq 8 by Modartt


The original physical modelling piano instrument, now also available on iPhones and iPads from the app store!



As if featuring one piano making use of physical modelling technology wasn’t enough (Piano V), we’re now introducing you to another–this time: Pianoteq 8 by Modartt. In fact, Pianoteq was the original, award-winning virtual instrument to make use of this technology, and it’s now available in its eighth iteration in one of four different tiers (Pianoteq 8: Stage, Pianoteq 8: Standard, Pianoteq 8: Pro and Pianoteq 8: Studio). Each version gives access to more features but for a higher price point.


In total, there are 24 instrument packs that can be hosted inside of the Pianoteq 8 instrument. Each of them provides access to a new, unique physically-modelled virtual instrument. Of course, the only main difference between each version of Pianoteq 8 is the amount of instrument packs you’ll gain immediate access to, but each pack can also be purchased individually to add to your soundbank for €49 each.


A noteworthy thing to mention about Pianoteq is that its 24 total instrument packs are built from collaborations with world-class piano manufacturers–meaning, no matter which packs you opt for, you’re sure to get a physically-modelled piano of the highest grade of quality.


Where to Get Pianoteq 8 by Modartt

There are four different software editions of Pianoteq available on the Modartt website.



7. Shearwater Piano by Imagiro


A vintage piano, salvaged from the 1800s, resurrected into digital format with a signature textured sound



The Shearwater Piano by Imagiro takes a special place on this list. Although you won’t find as much elaborate content with fancy technology integrated into its design, what you will find is a vintage, old-school instrument integrated into the digital realm, capturing its historical essence perfectly. The author of this plugin, Imagiro, is an independent online hermit, who dedicates himself to such passion projects, and, once you hear the Shearwater Piano, you’ll be thankful for that.


The piano was built in the 1800s and used by its original owner for an estimated decade, before being taken to London for refurbishment in the 80s. After a successful revitalisation, the piano has been recorded with precision to bring the vintage sound into the digital landscape. Now, you can access the classic Shearwater Piano in one of three variations within your DAW (Piano, Tape and Paper). The first preset is the original, raw piano sound. The Tape mode aims to take the gritty old-school sound one step further by running each note through a vintage tape machine. And, the Paper version is the result of placing masking tape over each piano string.


Overall, The plugin is light-hearted, yet sentimental. We’re sure if you get your hands on this one-of-a-kind piano plugin, you’ll find some use cases for it in your productions–especially, if you’re a lo-fi producer!


Where to Get Shearwater Piano by Imagiro

You can purchase the Shearwater Piano now for only $40 at the website.



8. Verve by Steinberg


Music tech giant Steinberg served us a felt piano delicacy with Verve, delivering velvety, luscious and warm textures to your sonic palette



The presentation of Verve in its video trailer on the Steinberg website makes it appear as though they’re unveiling some kind of new horror monster, with the dark lighting and dramatic musical piece. Verve is capable of delivering such spine-tingling and goosebump-evoking emotions, however, it’s also capable of much more. The Verve piano seems to communicate raw emotion through each individual note played, and even in the silence between too.


Verse was recorded using, once more, a unique engineering technique… Steinberg specifically created a bespoke, one-finger robot to play each note of the piano with exact precision. This means the velocity could be identical on each recorded note, translating the sound into the digital realm with previously impossible accuracy. The piano recording process was undertaken in Los Angeles at the Yamaha Studios by their dedicated sound design team, in collaboration with the HALion team.


Verse doesn’t stop there though. It was also designed with a specific focus on textures–intended to exaggerate and intensify the feelings of the raw felt piano. There are 66 hand-picked texture presets available for you to elaborate upon your melodies and chords with.


Where to Get Verve by Steinberg

The dreamy felt piano, Verve, is available for purchase now on the Steinberg website.



9. Alicia’s Keys by Native Instruments


Multiple-Grammy-winning artist, Alicia Keys has worked in collaboration with Native Instruments to give fans access to her personal hit-making machine



Available as a Kontakt patch (as is common with many Native Instrument products) producers and aspiring artists from across the globe can now gain access to Alicia Keys’ exact piano, all from the comfort of their own home. Alicia is recognised, not only for her singing voice, but for her mesmerising piano performances, often implementing both facets of her musical talents into her live performances and songwriting. It’s for that reason, releasing a digital edition of her signature piano has struck a chord with fans.


There’s 17gb of samples, 12 velocity layers per key and an inclusive sustain pedal (so you can hook up your own foot pedal with top-notch precision, as outlined in this article’s intro). The recordings were orchestrated and captured by Danish music tech giant and sample specialist, Scarbee, as well as impulse response specialist Ernest Cholakis, with Alicia playing each captured key herself, within her personal music studio. 


The interface is relatively straightforward and simplistic, with a number of standard customisation control panels (Room, Keys, Pedal, Resonance and Noise). But, don’t let the simplicity of the interface fool you… This instrument truly delivers the trademark soul sound of Miss Keys and her music catalogue.


Where to Get Alicia’s Keys by Native Instruments

The elegant and luxurious sound of Alicia’s Keys can be acquired from the dedicated page on the Plugin Boutique store.



10. AIR Mini Grand


Consisting of seven selectable piano models and super realistic string resonance re-pedalling technology, the AIR Mini Grand deserves the 10th spot on this list


Similar to the Shearwater Piano, in spot 7 on this list, The AIR Mini Grand is a simple,  yet powerful digital piano. If you’re someone who favours traditional instrumentation, without the added extras of digital sample manipulation and customisability, this plugin and its minimalistic interface probably stand the best chance at connecting you to your intended musical headspace.


On the top half of the GUI, you have a Model selection knob (to choose one of seven piano grand piano models), a Reverb room type and Mix knob, and a Dynamic Response and Level knob. Oh, and there’s also toggleable buttons to switch between Stretched and Equal tuning scales. Other than that, load this classical instrument up in your DAW and get to playing.


One of the unique design features of this piano plugin is its recording using re-pedalling technology to recreate super-realistic string resonance behaviour.


Where to Get AIR Mini Grand

The AIR Mini Grand is up for grabs now, at an affordable price, on its dedicated Plugin Boutique page.



FAQs about piano VSTs


What is the best sounding piano plugin?

There isn’t exactly a “best sounding” piano plugin, as they all capture different types of pianos and deliver them gracefully to our virtual space to give us creative choice. Some of the top recommended piano plugins are as follows: Noire, Shearwater Piano, Piano V, Alicia’s Keys, Verve and Pianoteq 8.


What is the best virtual piano software?

The best virtual piano software would probably be Keyscape by Spectrasonics, merely for the fact that it comes stocked with over 450 different piano and keys presets for you to access, all within a single virtual instrument. Addictive Keys by XLN Audio is also a great option.


What is VST in piano?

VST stands for Virtual Studio Technology and is the name of the common computer file-type used to deliver digital renditions of musical instruments and effects to your DAW (digital Audio Workstation). VSTs and other plugin file types allow us to convert and play real-world instruments virtually from inside our computer.