Make your samples sound like you. Create your own basslines, percussive patterns and arpeggios with Loopcloud
Experiment with 8 tracks, effects, tuning and chopping, all whilst staying in time and key with your project. Made a killer loop? Drag a full audio mixdown or individual stems straight into your DAW.
Find the perfect sound, faster
Easily browse your own sounds and preview over 4 million Loopmasters samples from within a single application. Search by instrument, genre, label, key, bpm and more to find what you need. Loopcloud’s AI search technology (courtesy of Jamahook) and intelligent tagging will instantly pinpoint the sounds you want. Get lost in the music, not the details.
Store your complete sample collection in the cloud, saving valuable space on your hard drive. Whether you’ve been collecting for decades or just getting started, everything is tagged and organised automatically alongside your Loopmasters library. Access it all. Any time. Any place.
Introducing two cloud‑connected plugins that turn samples into playable instruments: Loopcloud DRUM and Loopcloud PLAY. Featuring sounds, kits and collections from world‑renowned artists, producers and labels. Made for both seasoned musicians and aspiring artists.
Yes. You’ll have a full royalty-free license for every sample that you download from Loopcloud. Any samples that you purchase with points are yours for a lifetime. Click to read our full license terms.
If I don’t spend all of my points do they rollover? +
Yes - your points never expire and rollover as long as your subscription is active. If you cancel your subscription or your subscription lapses your points are frozen. Unlike other sample subscription services that remove your points when you cancel or take a break, you will never lose your points with Loopcloud. These points will be available to spend again as soon as you resubscribe.
What computer platforms and music software is Loopcloud compatible with? +
Loopcloud is for Mac and PC. The software works in standalone mode or via the Loopcloud VST, AU or AAX plugin. This directly connects to any music software with plugin support: Ableton Live, Apple Logic, Steinberg Cubase, Propellerheads Reason, FL Studio, and any other music software that supports third-party plugins.
What are the Exclusive Sounds? +
We are working with top labels and artists to bring an expanding selection of exclusive sample packs, sounds and expansions to Loopcloud. These products are not available anywhere else – even at So if you are looking to access something unique use the exclusive filter tag in the search box, or browse the exclusive packs from the home page.
Which sample labels are available on Loopcloud? +
The following labels have their main catalogue on Loopcloud. We will be adding more labels in the future.
21STRXXT Samples - 5Pin Media - Abstract Sounds - Aim Audio - Access Vocals - Apollo Sound - Artisan Audio - Beatport Sounds - BFractal Music - BLIND - Cinetools - Class A Samples - CODEX Samples - CONNECTD Audio - DABRO Music - Deep Heads - Deeperfect - Delectable Records - Earthmoments - EarthTone - EDM Ghost Production - Element& - Element One - Equipped Music - EST Studios - Famous Audio - Form Audioworks - Freaky Loops - Frontline - Ghost Syndicate - House of Loop - HY2ROGEN - Industrial Strength - IQ Samples - Keep It Sample - Kittball Records - Konturi Audio - Leitmotif - Loopcloud - Loopmasters - Looptone - Lost Audio - LP24 Audio - Mainground Music - Mask Movement Samples - Moody Recordings - Monster Sounds - Monstercat - Munchies Jukebox - Niche Audio - Organic Loops - ODD SMPLS - ONEZERO SAMPLES - Producertech - Push Button Bang - Rankin Audio - Raw Cutz - Renegade Audio - Rewind Samples - RV Samplepack - Sample Diggers - Samplesound - SFXTools - SHARP - Singomakers - SmallPrint Ingredients - Sofa Squared - Soul Rush - Soulsounds - Soundbox - Sounds/To/Sample - System 6 - The Tone Foundry - Thick Sounds - Tone Kitchn - Tsunami Track Sounds - Undrgrnd Sounds - Unity Records - Vital Vocals - Vocal Roads - Wave Alchemy - ZTEKNO
What happens to my points, sounds and files if I cancel my subscription? +
At the moment, you won't lose any points, but you won't be able to spend them without an active subscription. Your points will remain on your account ready for you to use when you re-subscribe. Any samples that you have bought within Loopcloud or Loopmasters remain yours forever, and you can access your samples via the Loopcloud website. Any content that you’ve stored with us in Cloud Storage will remain there for up to 90 days, after which your stored files may be deleted.
Can I upgrade or downgrade as I need? +
You can upgrade or downgrade your account at any time. Studio and Professional subscription levels let you add additional storage levels as your requirements grow. You can also top up your points at any time when subscribed to any subscription plan.
Can I use Loopcloud on multiple machines? +
Yes - you can use the application with as many computers as is permitted for your subscription level. For the Artist and Studio plans this is 2 machines, and for the Professional plan this is 4 machines.
If my Hard Drive fails will I get everything back? +
Data is safer duplicated. It’s unlikely that more than one copy of it is lost at once but cannot be guaranteed. Uploading your data to Loopcloud’s Cloud Storage is a great way to duplicate your sample library. Any samples stored in your cloud storage will be available – subject to our terms and conditions, and all the products you have previously bought at Loopmasters. Your local files are at risk if you have not duplicated them.
If I delete files from my computer will they remain in the cloud? +
If you have copied these files to your Cloud Storage folder, they will remain in your cloud storage, even if you delete them locally. Any purchases you have made from will always remain in your Loopcloud account. Only files you have tagged locally and not added to cloud storage risk being lost in this scenario.
Is Loopcloud private and secure? +
Your data is passed using secure protocols and backed up to our secure Amazon servers using the latest technology and security measures. View our Privacy Policy for more information.
Are the tags saved? +
Yes, and they are replicated to other machines attached to the same account.
If I edit on a different computer will it change everywhere? +
Loopcloud Cloud Storage works like a network drive. If you make changes to tags or change which files are stored then it will be updated on all computers. However, if you edit or apply any processing to a file in your cloud storage you will be editing your local downloaded copy of the file and these changes will not be automatically reflected on other computers unless you add the changed file back into storage.
How is Loopcloud 7 different from Loopcloud 6? +
Loopcloud 7 has a new and improved UI. This makes it more accessible for new users, allows us to add new features we have planned in the coming years, and it's a lot easier on the eyes. It also runs a lot faster. When you first open Loopcloud 7 after using previous versions, it might take a moment to find your way around. We've not removed any major features, so if you could do it in the previous version of the app, you can almost certainly still do it in Loopcloud 7. We have done extensive user testing to ensure the important features are easily discoverable. We'd like to think that once you get used to the changes you'll agree that the workflow is more efficient and inspiring than ever - helping you spend less time searching, and more time creating. But, if after a while you still have problems please let us know. You can see more information here:
How does searching work in Loopcloud 7? +
When you search Loopcloud, suggested tags you can use to narrow down your search appear under the search bar. The suggestions you see are based on your existing search, your recent searches and the tags that occur frequently in the search results. Once you've completed a few searches, Loopcloud will start to learn which genres you are interested in. This allows for very rapid searching without hunting through menus - helping you spend less time searching, and more time creating.
Is there a compact mode? +
Make the app narrow and it’ll switch to ‘compact mode’ showing you a reduced set of information in a window size that’ll run alongside your DAW. You can turn 'Always-on-top' mode on the 'View' menu, and/or have it snap to your screen edge by dragging it to the edge of your screen. The "Loopcloud Sounds" VST plugin is also available to subscribers who want to browse Loopcloud from within their DAW, without using the Loopcloud Desktop Application - you can download the Loopcloud Sounds installer from the downloads page here:
What is Loopcloud Multitrack? +
You can use multitrack in two main ways - as a shortlist of loops or one shots before settling on which sounds to use in your track, or as a sound-design tool for making new loops combining multiple sounds. As a subscriber you get to use 8 tracks at once. You can use it for previewing sounds (in time and in key with your session) just like previous versions of Loopcloud, but you can also rearrange sounds, create new sounds, preview only the sub-sections of audio you want, export processed sounds and so on.
What are the Loopcloud Effects? +
Click FX EDIT in the editor section with a sound loaded in to add effects to specific regions or all of your audio. Loopcloud currently includes a Delay, Filter, GrainStretch, Panner, Reverb, Stop Reverse, Tonebox, EQ, Compressor and Vinyl Stop.
What are the System Requirements for Loopcloud? +
You can find the system requirements for the Loopcloud Desktop application, Loopcloud Sounds plugin, and the DRUM and PLAY instruments via the link below: