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Ableton Certified Trainer Keith Mills has put together this great 6 part video series concentrating on how to take an initial musical idea and turn it into a full arrangement…fast.  Part 1 of this course is above.

About The ‘Make A Track Fast Video Series’

There a 3 key aims for this video series:
    •    The first is to keep it simple. There is no need to overcomplicate the process of writing a track. Keeping it simple and writing fast gets results.
    •    The second is to take the biggest steps towards the finishing line first. Only when a full arrangement is in place will we concern ourselves with the fine details.
    •    The final aim is to work with the mantra ‘Good is good enough’. There is no room for perfectionism in this series.

What The Series Includes

Video 1 – Groove
In Video 1 we will look at quickly enhancing a basic groove by emphasising specific hits and using syncopation to create a more edgy vibe. We will also look at how quickly we can add some basic effects and mixing techniques that will dramatically improve our drum loop.

Video 2 – Theme
In this tutorial we look at how to approach the creation of the tracks central idea also known as the theme. In keeping with the dark and eerie vibe I have pre-selected the key of the track as F Phrygian. Phrygian has a mystical quality and when combined with the sharp distorted lead sound it creates the perfect vibe.

Video 3 – Texture
The third step is to start thinking about the arrangement and about creating different sections for our track. We will focus on adding some texture with a pad sound that will provide a nice harmony.

Video 4 – Variations
It’s time to go all in and create some call and response instruments to compliment the main theme and add some contrast to the track. There are tons of techniques we can use to develop our ideas but I keep it simple and focus mainly on layering and creating short answer phrases using techniques like reversal.

Video 5 – Arrangement
At this stage in the process we have established our core idea and created a series of sections containing variations of the idea. We now have all the core building blocks ready to create our arrangement. By the end of this session you will have a draft arrangement in place and be ready for the final step – adding some details…

Video 6 – Transitions
In the last video of the series, we look at adding automation, transitions and small variations. The arrangement is already interesting and this is just the icing on the cake.

For more information, and to view the FREE videos please visit:



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