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About Video

Loopmasters music production videos put a world of knowledge, skills and studio experience in your hands, with essential production techniques, sound design tips and musical theory to enhance your music. Our video tutorials have been designed and created by industry professionals, established artists and creative sound designers to ensure you have the best possible tuition and with clear instructions to maximise your production potential. Our video formats offer constructive ideas for sampling, mastering, synthesis, EQing and workflow - designed for producers of drum & bass, electro, techno, house, hip hop, edm, trap and many other genres. Loopmasters music tutorial videos covering look at every element in depth and detail, including software synths, daws, hardware controllers and genre specific production methods. Have access to each tutorial 24 hours a day and go back to any module at any time to learn at your own pace. Loopmasters expert tutorials come with video loops and video sounds to support your learning with inspiring sounds and bonus video samples. Discover the secrets to making lead melodies, basslines, transition effects and processing vocals, with video presets and video banks included to put the exact sounds and settings in your hands. Jump start your production skills now, with the best Cubase tips, Reason production guides and Ableton sound design techniques on offer today.


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