Guitars have always played a special role in music; they strum the heart strings!
Music makers of all types turn to the guitar to add emotion and depth to their music…exactly why Sunset Guitar Sessions is a go-to collection.
This production-ready guitar loop pack contains refined, professionally recorded guitar parts that will enhance the emotion and depth of your next session.
We worked closely with a phenomenal South American guitarist and songwriter to bring the sound of the sunset straight into your speakers. Genres such as latin, hip hop, lofi, and more would benefit greatly from this guitar collection.
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.
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