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Undrgrnd sounds deep dub techno 2 banner artwork i
Deep Dub Techno 2
9 users AWARD

Genre: Dub Techno

Additional Styles:

  • Drum Demo
  • Music Demo
  • Demo Loop 01
  • Demo Loop 02
  • Demo Loop 03
  • Demo Loop 04
  • Demo Loop 05
  • Demo Loop 06
  • Demo Loop 07
  • Demo Loop 08
  • Demo Loop 09
  • Demo Loop 10

Round 2! Timeless Dub-Techno of a dusty variety! Deep, moody & melodic synths and chugging beats reminiscent of classic Rhythm & Sound releases. Authentic electronic sounds for discerning producers! 

Drum Loops > 150 essential drum machine rhythms served with a full mix plus all the usual stripped-out stems for custom beat making. All deep, dusty loops presented at 114bpm.

Pad Loops > Evolving, ethereal and evocative pad loops balancing the grit of field recordings with the musicality of traditional pad sounds. A highly useful collection of pad loops ideal for Dub Techno.

Bass Loops > Hardware sourced mono-synths, deep subs and tastefully saturated riffs. Served with key/tempo labelling at 114bpm.

FX > Modular impacts, rhythmic references and straight up implosions! All the Dub-FX you need.

Music Loops > The big daddy of dubbed out music loops for contemporary Techno. Epically delayed synth stabs, and synthetic textures to chop up or use as is - essential stuff!

One Shots > No Dub-Techno collection is complete without a solid selection of one-shots. Serving up solid bass shots, epic chords and enough drum hits to shake a stick at.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.

  • 262 Wav loops
  • 126 Wav one-shots

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UNDRGRND Sounds - Deep Dub Techno 2 - Computer Music Magazine Review

As if they didn’t cram enough gut-punching and earbiting beats into the first one, these...



Award cm8




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