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Progressive House Melodies… And that is what it is. A nice pack stuffed with cool elements to create progressive tracks. Since it's limited to create melodies and u need to add drum sounds and vocals yourself you don't have to be afraid that your track will sound similar to others. It's a nice tool to give u quick results.

Its funny how one genre of electronic music still has 2 completely different sounds in different parts of the world, America grabbed Progressive house and threw it in shovel loads to the EDM generation in the states the past 5 years and the sound became synonymous with main stages at festivals but the connoisseurs among us from Europe always had something to say about hijacking the genre which for us is a beautiful progressive deep and melodic sound which became famous with Sasha & digweed, This pack brings all those memories and sounds right back and with the resurgence in this style right now around the world experienced and young producers will appreciate how perfect a pack this is and the samples on offer, buy it, get listening and get producing gorgeous music and lets get our genre back where it belongs.


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