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Loops and more loops, nice! Some great french inspired grooves here that'll work nicely in pretty much any genre. Whether you're after the Wolfgang Gartner hook, or Joris voorn filtered grooves this covers all bases. Definitely a great pack to have in your sample library.

Just what you need to fatten up your ideas and productions.
this is full of raw and big room slices of musical funk and gritt

If you like it a lil epic then this is for you

These packs are so cool and inspirational that I had to come back and get the whole series! Such a perfect addition for that timeless funky, pumpin' track.. All the samples are key based so it's easy to mix and match and get creative.. The effects on all of them are very well done!

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Very inventive pack with a good diverse range of sounds - good to get some inspiration going. Some nice drums in here.

Really cool sample package that definitely captures that "french house" vibe. If you need to give your groove a bit of that french house groove this is definitely the package you're looking for. Filtered-synths, phat drums and funky bits and pieces - instant inspiration!

Sometime old sets can be fresh when used in a current way. This Part 1 of the French House Songstarters set paved the way for future volumes which got even better as they went on. This slices, dices and chops a combination of original music as well as disco loops to form the "French house sound". You can mix and match so many of these loops to find your own flavor. A lot of this style is in the experimentation of it all. Sometimes music theory is not so necessary and you can go a little wild trying different computations to get a cool sound. Most loops will set instant inspiration, where you can add your own beats and bassline and the loops provided becomes the 'secret sauce'.


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