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Hybrid Cinematic is one of my favourite libraries from Industrial Strength. I was looking for heavy brass elements and some cool drumloops and here I got exactly what I was looking for. Very inspirational to create tracks in the style of Headless Horseman for example or just pieces, to fill up your productions with atmospheric elements. On top you´ll get heavy impacts and some inspiring Midi files to go crazy and create your own trailer music.

Crunchy, gritty, large, and deep, all of the sounds in the pack instantly add that cinematic flavour to whatever you are working on. The loops are well arranged, and in key, as are the FX and one shots, which is also very handy for quick turnarounds. The only drawback to this pack was I just wish there was MORE of it. Only two BPMs are featured for the loops (although there is MIDI too), and only a couple of loops in each key at these BPMs. That being said, there is no filler here either.


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