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18 users

Genre: Electro

Additional Styles: Electro House



Sampler Patches

BPM: 125 - 130

Awesome set of electro club elements. Pounding kick drums, crisp percussive loops, crunchy bass loops and tight synth loops make this a well rounded package. The vocal loops really cool, cut-up bits you can definitely fit into any cool club record. The synth loops are a combination of bleepy sounds with full on synth riffs. My favorites are the kicks, toploops & bass sounds. The midi & sampler patches are a great addition to the .wav files.

Yeah a really strong pack made by a producer that cares about his work. Really well thought out sound design giving you a great bunch of sounds and inspiration to draw from. I particularly like the modern use of effects and production to give this pack a current sound. highly recommended.

If you are looking for solid electro sounds and drums to go this is pretty good. There also some nice synthy bits included which u can use across many genres.


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