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The Nextmen show their prolific and varied influences brilliantly in this pack. A huge range of sounds and beats. From the crisp UK hip hop through to gritty dancehall, I loved that I could just drag and drop these beats and that was the job done.

I've always dug The Nextmen so this pack was an easy decision! It's hot with fresh synths and crisp drums with a great blend of old school and new.. A Perfect pack to pick from!

A very nice pack here from The Nextmen which provides a great selection of drum, bass and musical loops and some scratches (which I would have liked to have seen more of) to boot.
The drums in particular are very authentic and raw (in a good way). Would love to see a Vol 2

Great pack with lots of drums and loops. A great variety of high quality sounds to choose from. Lo-fi vintage sounds that work very well for different type of productions and genres including hip-hop, soul, reggae etc. Very useful to get ideas rolling immediately and make your productions sound great.


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