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"Melbourne Energy Bounce" by Singomakers is a high-energy EDM mix sure to make a perfect party. With intense, saw synths and over-the-top builds, this pack is not for the meek. Electronic art at its finest, the sound design and melodies are equally impressive.

Singomakers proves once again why they are one of the best around. Everything is processed really nicely and they give loads of content. Just by listening to individual loops you can hear in your head that once you start working with them - its going to sound HOT ! The synth and bass loops come as separate synth only, bass only and a mixed version which is really nice. Drum loops are percussive mid & top end only- no kicks are combined which is really the right way to do it. You get great fills along with a nice variety of your typical fx- with plenty to chose from !! All the typical (but great) single drums sounds are included, tuned kicks, toms, snares, claps, ride, prec, huge snares, hats & crashes. Theres a folder of vocals drops/ shouts as well as synth patches for Spire & Serum to round it all out. Great job Singomakers

It’s great to see more and more sample companies jumping on the Melbourne bandwagon of late, mainly due to the diversity and energy in this particular style of music.

MEB by Singomakers is a little different than the rest as it contains sounds and elements to help producers who want to bring ideas across from other styles; trance, electro, house and many more are all featured in this 1.37gb pack, split into folders of twisted drop synths, straight basslines, epic breakdown themes etc – it’s a very across-the-board collection of great additions to your sample, percussion and VST bank collection.

one of the best packs i have used in the past few months, the Melbourne bounce sound takes from the old UK hard house genre and recreates it in a big room EDM style which is catching up with the drop sound and replacing it with off bass-line energy, perfect for raves and those big room Vegas style venues who like nothing better than a good bounce.


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