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I've been a fan of Jon for years, his sets and productions always have the party vibe with an edge - and that is definitely captured in this sample pack.

We have a healthy array of drum hits, but the loops are where the real fatness lies in the drums on this pack, in particular the digital breaks. The individual sounds and fx are also great and there is some nicely organic sounding breaks, but not too many of them.

For me, it's all about the fx, digital breaks, basslines and lead basslines on this sample pack - but everything else is extremely cool too - inspiring stuff!

I was really impressed by the drum loops and percussion-type grooves in this collection. Great for ghetto-ing up any track and perfect in this day and age of electicism and crossed boundaries, especially in dance music.. Single hits also provide a good workout and producers in the ghetto house and UK bass genres should get loads of inspiration from this pack.

a really cool pack with some great variations on it. definitely will expand your current library is a positive way


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