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Genre: EDM

Additional Styles: EDM

Absolutely fantastic pack for anyone wanting to add a bit of life in to their productions... Brilliant!

comprehensive and fresh - some sounds went directly into a new remix I'm working on. Comprehensive, diversified and not only the standard stuff. All-purpose library, just can recommend it. 9 out of 10!

Some great sounds fx here, this pack inspired me a lot!!!

very useable for most genres, it has a lot of reverse cymbals etc that most people may already have, but there is enough unique content and some powerful stabs etc that make this pack worth having.
it does what it says in the title..

Fantastic. One of the hardest tasks a producer has is finding or creating those subtle FX which complete tracks - this pack has a superb large array of sweeps, wooshes, hits etc - useful for ANY style of music.
Thoroughly recommended, I will make great use of these samples.

Stunning collection of dynamic effect for all kinds of electronic music. Not limited to you're common or garden white noise whooshs and woops either. Some seriously nice bits of noise.

Nice release here with Designer Dance Fx. Comes with an abundance of effects loops for getting in and out of your breaks the right way.
Good quality and comes with more FX's than you think.

A unique set of well thought out samples dedicated all to Fx. The collection goes all the way to add that last bit of polish or that first spark of inspiration when creating a track. Designer Dance Fx is way more in depth and goes so much further than other Fx libraries I own. An absolute winner in my eyes!!

I was experimenting with those transitional sound effects and wanted to try something a bit different so I downloaded Designer Dance FX.Meg upon meg of huge breakdown's, wooshes and sirens plus single hits and chords as well was what greeted me. This sample pack will do exactly what it says it will do. It will help you deliver those hands in the air moments in your tracks that you need to get people excited about your music. It's all there. If there is one criticism then I would say that some of the wooshes do sound a bit similar but then again they are designed to do a certain kind of thing and they do it very well.

Does just what is says on the tin. Includes all the bells and whistles (not literally) you might need to spice up a production. Enough tools for any barline whether it be approaching a breakdown or drop. Good contour action. Well recorded and categorised.

A great collection of FX, does everything it needs to. A wide range of totally useable FX, which will suit any electronic music genre. These will be a part of my productions for some time to come. Another solid release from the loopmasters team.

First rate collection of highly useable full frequency range sonic conjunctions to fill the spaces, merge the sections and enhance your productions from the dancefloor to the cinema. I can get lost for hours making sounds like these, so this will speed up the creative process no end. Really great variety across the board, I think this is without doubt the current no.1 collection of SFX for all forms of dance music across the 120-140 bpm range. Highly recommended.

Perfect material to polish up your productions with. Some great rises, stops, carry overs, wooshes & FX in this pack.. with this sample pack you can really add the icing and the glacé cherry to the cake!

Woah! What an amazing collection of sound FX. This package contains 18 folders of absolute divine and high quality sounds that personally made me shiver when blasting a few of them among my live set this year at Glastonbury festival. In fact the sub and sonic sounds totally melted people into sonic delight and ecstasy. This is a 10 out of 10 for quality and creativity! I strongly recomend this for any serious musician and DJ.

Covers all bases for FX sounds for all types of electronic productions.
Great production on all the sounds. Will certainly add some dynamics & impact to your music. Recommended!

This package has just the right sounds and sweeps for your dance track. Especially when you are into electro, progressive or commercial dance music. Useful stuff.

This does exactly what it says on the box... FX

It's hard to know what to write about this pack as it really speaks for itself but I will add that the FX in this pack are some of the most creative and hard hitting I've come across

If you're starting to build a sound library then this is an excellent pack to start with as you'll be hard pushed to find something in here that doesn't meet the needs of your project

10/10 from me.... you won't be disappointed

Really liking this sample pack for its clarity, all the sounds are pristine quality and really full sounding. There really isn't much you need to do in the way processing, maybe a touch of delay or reverb.

I've found this pack really useful for FX , fly-bys and buildups mainly in intros and breakdowns, some of the sounds really help to glue atmospheres and pads together nicely. All the sounds have a great stereo spread and sit really nicely in most situations.

Great pack!

Very very cool range of fx. Not just limited to atonal sounds either. A veritable smorgasbord of usable, musical, tonal sounds. Making these type of sounds take so long and I think Loopmasters have done a fantastic job saving us producers hours and hours of work. Brilliant.

A comprehensive and diverse selection of samples. If you are looking to pad out a track with some interesting FX or want to find some inspiration in some new stabs or sounds, this pack contains plenty of gems.

Great selection of sound effects in a really well laid out format. Essential if you're looking to give your music some extra impact. Found it really useful for transitions and giving tracks some extra depth. Highly recommended!


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