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I'm a big fan of Katherine Ellis and was excited to see this new vocal pack from her! There are five full songs split into all the seperate parts ie. lead, backing vocals, adlibs then also a folder of extra adlibs. Katherine's voice sounds awesome as usual and this pack is a steal at the price. Its worth it just for the adlibs! An essential pack for any lover of house music!

since i downloaded this a few months ago, I've used these samples in at least 3 songs that have now been released! I've probably used one of the acapellas as a song starter 5 or 6 times too. brilliant pack, great hooks and melodies, would definitely recommend.

Some absolutely quality vocals here that can work in so many different tracks. The quality of the samples is such that this is a must have pack. Definitely worth an addition to any producers library! Make sure you get this!


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