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Genre: Hip Hop

Additional Styles: Lo-Fi Hip Hop and Hip Hop

Huge pack of elements to jump into your sonic kitchen and start mixing up new audio recipes. The quality and size of packs like this justifies the cost ten times over when you consider a handful of elements could inspire lots of new material. It's a kind of musical pass the baton..and this is full of gold batons!

Plenty of sun-soaked audio here fitting the intended purpose of laid back and wavy head-nod source.  The drum loops and optional stems have a fantastic spectrum of subtlety and I appreciate the inclusion of both clean and 'LoFi' versions in the Music Loops.  The atmospheric textures are a great addition and no matter how many of these type files I have I'm always looking for more.  There's also a whole folder of 'Song Starters' full of jazzy smoky compositions deconstructed and for me the real fun is using this entire pack like vinyl crate sampling sessions. 


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