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Genre: EDM

Additional Styles: EDM

Summer EDM by Singomakers another epic producers package absolutely laced with the most high end quality of sound as we expect from SM. It is a perfect package for those wanting that extra edge to their summer dance tracks and DJ sets. Outstanding drums and deep bass loops and the drop synths are a true delight with sublime melodies .

Another excellent job from Singomakers. This set is jam packed with tons of hard bangin EDM everything you would want for a hot track. This is a no-brainer if you are looking for something to pound the speakers. This will make your neighbors very angry at you because the floor and wall will be vibrating from the raw energy that these tracks have. I specifically like the way the tracks were processed. Everything is tight but not maxxed out...that way I can add compression and finalizing on my end and everything is not over smashed.


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