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Genre: Pop

Additional Styles: Synthwave and Pop

This is the follow up to a very creative set of what Singomakers calls "Future retro Pop" and it keeps it going - at full speed from V1. There's so much creativity here- with a blend of styles from different eras to create something fresh yet retro at the same time. This definitely has an 80's pop feel and use of sounds and because of artists like The Weeknd , Dua Lipa or Robyn, it feels new. This is very comprehensive set, giving you all the parts you will need. Each mini song has the beats broken down into sections and has a main bassline, pads, arp synths, chords / lead and vocals. Everything is at 86 bpm (really 172 bpm) making much of the stuff easily interchangeable. You get the mid and one-shots and fx as well to round out the set. Fans of 80s retro- especially The Weeknd, will really get into this one.


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