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Phenomenal assortment of themed sound effect one-shots with incredibly useful variations and organization. As is typical of Cinetools the fidelity throughout is maximal and the sound design is world class. In essence an obscene amount of material and several of these folders would qualify as complete sample packs alone. There's "classic" cartoon / animation territory fully covered but that's the tip of the iceberg. If ever there was one pack to rule them all within a genre this is it.

Huge sample pack with very specific sounds you 100% need when you work on sound design for television and film. A lot of the samples are handmade which is making it very unique and real. If you are working on sound for animations or cartoon, this is a must have pack. It includes various balloon and boing sounds, but also detailed sfx if you working on sound design for motion graphic. The prank pack is a perfect sample library you need to take your music to the next level.


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