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If you are lacking inspiration in creating some really cool and heavy drum and bass basslines this might be your next go to serum pack. Lovely 30 serum presets that will come in handy without doubts for any kind of music genre you are working on. Great work!

High quality Serum Xfer presets! These presets are crazy nervous and efficient. The sound is shaped to perfection, creating variations is easy and very pleasant with this kind of high-end equipment. So you put your touch on it and you chain the bangers. Really looking forward to testing this new sauce on a big system. WAV files are really handy when you don't have Serum. Go there with your eyes closed, it's a hit.

This is an excellent set of Seum bass presets from Est. I found them to be a great starting point to tweak your own tailor-made sounds for D&B Tracks. It's 100% worth a look if you want some instant inspiration. 30 modulating and fat-sounding bass sounds! Bang on point for modern D and B


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