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Genre: Drum and Bass

Additional Styles: Artist Series and Drum and Bass


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 170 - 180

Blokhe4d - Drum & Bass Vol. 8 by Loopmasters

Outstanding Drum and Bass producers package! A wonderful display of Creativity and a delight to play with, this awesome package comes well packed with he finest breaks and some lush bass loops and the atmospherics are woderful! DnB /Breakbeat/Dubstep junkies will love this one! 10 out of 10!

Hands down one of the best sample packs I have ever heard! Blokhe4d have gone in on this one. Loads of amazing bass sounds, drum loops and individual hits that I can't wait to sink my teeth into.

So much to play with in this pack, the drums are seriously hard, you have a folder of amen edits and cymbal loops which are worth every penny, the hat hits and rides will give your tracks added energy. The bass stabs and riffs are of the highest quality and have a great selection to pick through. Also check for the percussion folder for some cheeky edits.

This is the DNB sample pack i dreamed of as a young boy. Its literally amazing! The bass sounds are soooo good it almost makes me a little bit upset! Drum hits are perfect, music loops are pant wettingly great.

A very solid sample pack full of variety. Perfect for producers who are looking to create a hard tech sound.

Outstanding quality and innovation here: a pack that takes aim at a genre and hits bullseye after bullseye with skilled sharp-focus sound design.  These samples have so much original personality and I'm extra impressed with the timelessness due to the absence of genre tropes.  The bass files are amazing but in truth so is every single part of the package.  The 'Cymbal' (loops) and FX folders are secret weapon track glue.  The drums are a perfect balance of restraint and banging.  Safe to say I love this one.  


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