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20 users

Genre: Sound Archives

Additional Styles: Sound Archives


One Shots


BPM: 125 - 130

Great sound pack! Deep, Funky & Groovy! Fit perfect for modern Deep House, Funky House, Tech House or even Tribal & Techno. My fav here are Bass Lines and Melodies. Great job by Zmey!

Interesting combination of styles. Not going the mainroom big sound- more of an underground, deep flavor. "Funky Tech" definitely nails what this sound is going for. Having Apple Loops is a big plus. Plenty of synth & bass loops, with lots of cool riffs. This is a good addition for the underground guys.

Solid selection of sounds and samples that covers the funky tech scene and pretty much all house heads will appreciate this collection. Ideal loops for song starting or full track production.


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