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Great loop set by Singomakers. Quite a bit to chose from. Having the Apple Loops is always my favorite- keeps me working fast and able to make key changes easily to the track. You get the typical bass loops, drum loops, drums hits, risers, down sweeps and impacts. As well the melody loops- most of which are on the bassier side. The best thing they did in this set, which Ive been saying for a while now is to include the MIDI for the bass loops and melody loops ! Great addition to the set. I don't know why more companies don't do this. It allows the end user to change and manipulate even more. Thanks Singomakers !!

One shots that rock, anthemic themes to keep the crowd in a dream, Drum Loops to make you dance out of your boots, FX's that makes the chicks wet. lol! You need EDM Main Room House Vol. 2 in your production life. Need I say more!

Rock rock ON!


Singomakers always deliver high quality sample packs with plenty of options for getting your tracks moving quickly. Here you've got chunky drums, massive melody loops and loads of glitchy bass bits that fit right into the main room EDM vibe. Not only that, but as usual the Singomakers guys have given you all the MIDI files so you can add your own creativity into the mix. This is another great pack from the masters.


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