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I'm really impressed with this sample pack. Anyone who knows of Kevin Sawka will know how technically gifted he is. If you don't, just Youtube him. The intricacy of his drumming is nothing short of amazing.
The thing which really stands out for me though is the fact that not only is he a great drummer but he clearly has a vast knowledge of DnB and Jungle. I've heard people play DnB on a kit before but most of them still just sound like any drummer at 170+. Kevin Sawka sounds like Drum and Bass. Everything bites and accents in the right places and they all actually sound like DnB. It allows you to get a groove down really quickly when using these breaks and the fact that they were recorded at DnB speed means the grooves and the lengths of the hits and their relation the other hits in the break make reprogramming the rex loops really simple and intuitive.

The pack is really well recorded, they used a Neve 8014 to do it and it really shows. Every break is open and natural yet still really well balanced with great tones. It doesn't sound like there's any compression on there and if there's any EQ its very unobtrusive. That basically means they can either be used as they are or can be molded just the way you want them making the pack great for people just starting out or experienced programmers.

Highly recommended.


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