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50 users

Genre: India

Additional Styles: Percussion and India


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 85 - 160

The biggest problem that we find with sample packs is that they can occasionally be too dependent on the norm and as a result can be a little uninspiring. Especially when sometimes what you need from them is to provide the last little touch of 'je ne se quoi' to an almost-complete production. It is that that this bundle of love provides. It is packed to brimful of interesting drum and percussion sounds and loops that have been invaluable to add flavor to what might be considered bog-standard drum tracks. Brilliant.

Stunning again from Bashiri Johnson. The pack is a monster of depth, feel and groove to give any producer the edge on percussion and beats within there track. The selection is large and well thought out, a big yes from us as before on the previous pack. Industrial strength are on to a winner with these! We will most defiantly be keeping a close eye on more from this camp in the future.


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