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Some great patches that make it even easier to sculpt the next big EDM anthem! Whether you're looking for big leads or dirty bass, this pack has it. Top Artist have done it again!

Nice job from Singomakers...but would have liked the midi to accompany this set as it would be helpful to know exactly how each sound is used. Some sounds are recognizable and some arent. Most patches are based on hit tracks from big dj/ producers. You get leads, basses, pads & arp sounds. If youre looking for sounds to make your track "sound a like" this is a great place to get that.

This is a really good pack with some great sounds. Very current and will have all you need to make those big EDM sounding productions that everyone is going nuts about

great set of presets... some real classics and some interesting sounds in here.
Plenty to use straight off or to mess with to inspire some dope new sounds from Massive..NICE ONE

Singomakers are back with a new great patch-bank for Massive - probably their best yet! Imitating some of the hottest names on the scene, this pack is essential for your new productions. Well sounding, and easy to tweak + really cool use of macros!


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