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120 users

Genre: Garage

Additional Styles: Garage

Fierce and funky pack for the those seeking a bang up to date spin on the 2Step Garage style.
Great balance of useful loop kits to get the vibes flowing. Not so many patches, but the one shots included are authentic ; ) Good stuff!

Some great beat loops. Brings me back to the days of Artful Dodger, MJ Cole, El-B and Matt Jam Lamont, ‘2Step Garage Anthems’ serves up 491 loops and oneshots and brings together all the elements you need to create the ultimate 2 Step vibe.

Amazing pack! stacked with some really great bits! love the loops , broken down without kicks , some cool fx and vox chops and some great music loops & classic stabs ! will defiantly be working my way through this on future sessions!

This is great, brought me back to my UKG years. Some really cool stuff in here. Bass loops are my fave!


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