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123 users

Genre: Dubstep

Additional Styles: EDM and Dubstep


One Shots


Sampler Patches

BPM: 70 - 150

Man, what a GREAT pack! This pack has great melodic sounds and basslines that have just enough filth and rumble to take that track to the next level! It's the perfect blend of dubstep and downtempo.. Solid drum kits, and amazing clarity and depth in all of the loops.. I'm having a lot of fun with this one! HIGHLY recommended!

by Loopmasters

I totally adore this neat high quality Chilled dub package! The synths are perfect the bass loops a delight and the drums crisp ! This is a real treat for futurist dub producers and Djs! a total 10 out fo 10! This is a must get for the serious dub head!

Super useful pack, loaded with pristine examples from a niche genre. Would suit a number of styles and situations. Enjoying the Bass offerings from loops, highly playable multis, one shots and hits.
Great value as ever and a handy addition to any producers toolkit.


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