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67 users

Genre: Dub

Additional Styles: Dub, Reggae, Artist Series, Breaks, and Dancehall


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 75 - 176

Really cool set from Dub Pistols. This set has a great mix of reggae, dub and electronica to form the Dub Pistols sound. If you want to go more current- this set works great by adding more electronic elements. You can easily add trap, moomhbaton or even tech funk to this to create a more diverse vibe. As always, I love Apple Loops and what makes them so great is that I audition all the sounds at whatever tempo I'm at. Dont feel locking into the tempo the sounds were meant to be- make them into what you want. You get great drum loops as well as single hits. Dub basses, synths, organs, horns and more.

The mighty Dub Pistols blesses us with one epic top class producers package! Well armed with the best in Breakbeats Bass synths and dubwise horns! This skanking DubSKa Breaks is also ideal for you Dub driven Dubstep Junglist musicians and producers !

Absolutely smoking! What i love most about this pack is the huge variety of sounds with BPM of loops ranging from 75 to 177 so there really is something for everyone! If used well you could really create some exciting genre bending tracks using this pack.. Massive basslines, gritty drum & percussion loops and some great dubbed out effects.. superb

I really enjoy the diversity of the Pistols sounds. Genre-bending, lots of tempo and instrumentation options.Well recorded and crisp but not overly so. The sounds still have that nice amount of grit loved by many producers. I always look for those packs that can be used over a span of years - "go-to's" when you need a little inspiration or that sound that gives your track a bump. Whether for reggae, breaks, jungle, house etc - this is one of those packs. It'll be in my main catalog of go-to's for a long while to come. Well done!

One of the best dub/reggae packs we have come across! Loads of nice music, drums and analog style fx in here, in a range of tempos, which are great for dub and jungle inspired tracks! Fully recommended!


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