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Awesome ragga vocals straight from the UK. The vocals fit into every form of EDM. Anyone can make a track sound better when using these cool vocals from the bad-ass Ragga Twins ! Good mix of tempos to fit any style- though Id love to just have them all in the 122-132 range as I dont do grime or dnb at 174 bpm.

I remember buying records by the Ragga Twins back in the day, and have since been a big fan. So having access to chopping up some of their vocals and including them in a track was a pleasure.
As expected the vocals are tight and recorded perfectly - the apple loops fit them exactly to your track. Each vocal includes the full arrangement, then broken down to dry and effected parts of each rapper. These are useful for creating a full song to adding the ad-libs to spice up a track. I will find many uses for these across many genres of music.

This pack is simply AWESOME! Everything you need to create the perfect Ragga track. There's the full song but then it's broken down into the different elements for even more choice. You get the backing vox, you get the double tracks, you get everything! Enough to keep you going for years!

love this ! absolutely packed with a huge amount of vocals - great fun cutting them up and editing my self - good breakdown options on all vocal sets with backing & emphasis added separately so very easy to use and producer friendly !

Fantastic vocals with so much energy and excitement, and voices you can't mistake. The Ragga Twins do what they do best, toasting across a variety of tempos and beats with lead, backing and ad libs ready to throw into a track to take it straight to the next level.

Straight from the Bass Boutique camp come bonafide legends The Ragga Twins. Sampled countless times for countless classics, Flinty Badman & Deman Rockers pass through with a wicked selection of vocal phrases and verses spanning multiple tempos and styles. Add Badbwoi flavour to any of your tracks with ease with both processed and effect versions, or use the dry loops to twist and chop the vocals in any way you see fit. These dynamite vox will have them calling to pull up and come again every time...

First of all I have to say Ragga Twins are legend! Downloading this sample pack means I'm gonna work with professionals and all those loops sounding exactly like that. I haven't used this sample pack long because I didn't have a track for this specific kind of vocals. But now these days I finally finished a track with a set of vocals from this pack and it's amazing! I'm really happy when I can play it out, I use it as a set opener, that vocal is really something! In drum & bass these days there are not many ragga vocals like this!


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