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Genre: Drum and Bass

Additional Styles: Drum and Bass


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 172 - 172

Fantastic pack with loads of great parts. The tones and pads are exceptional and sound great. The bass lines and additional musical elements are also a brilliant source of inspiration, offering a wide selection of sounds to help with your production. A big thumbs up from us and well worth the money!

Very good quality sounding sample pack. I really like the difference in sound between the elements, they give a really good variety of sound. Bass elements have been processed with a subtle saturation and a great warmth resulting in an very cool sound with a nice hint of organic touch combined with the heavy distortion. The Lead and Pad folders contains an excellent range of leads and pads which have a very nice dark feeling, fat sounding elements, very well processed. It sounds like they were made on hardware! Some of these have cinematic qualities while others have more of an upfront sound and complement or contrast with the Arps very well. The sound of Atmos is best described as refined, deep and nuanced. It just sounds very new and veers away from cheesy, hyped pads and overly designed textures. It's a pity there is no Drums folder in the pack, I'm sure that would have brought this sample pack a 10 outta 10 stars.

Great new concept from RV hitting the more melodic, tonal and textural elements of the genre in focus, no drums here but the musical content is outstanding! The bass loops ,ore than make up for the lack of drum kits, all 160 of them! some great arpeggio and atmospherics as well, plenty of ear candy to fill out your productions!


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